Labels and Legacies: Embracing Intersectionality with Atif Choudhury

Join Atif Choudhury, D&A's CEO & Co-Founder, for an illuminating podcast series diving into the true meaning of intersectionality in the workplace. Atif is joined by a plethora of expert speakers and EDI professionals who share their journeys and insights, demonstrating exactly why intersectionality isn't just a buzzword, but a real world experience. This series was originally a live webinar series hosted by Diversity and Ability. Check out our events page to find out how you can join upcoming webinars and future series of Labels and Legacies. 

Text reads 'Labels and Legacies: Embracing Intersectionality. There is a headshot of Atif, a brown man with salt and pepper hair and a beard,  presenting at a conference.

Take a listen and find out: 

1. What is intersectionality? And Why does it matter?

2. What is an intersectionally feminist workplace?

3. An intersectional, inclusive welcome: how to integrate EDI into your recruitment 

4. From bias to belonging: how to make inclusion explicit 

5. What Does It Mean to Be an Intersectional Leader?

'I had the pleasure of participating in the Labels and Legacies: Embracing Intersectionality session with Atif, and it was truly a wonderful experience. Atif's chairing style was both engaging and insightful, creating an atmosphere that fostered meaningful conversation. '

Shani Dhanda - Disability Inclusion & Accessibility Specialist, Social Entrepreneur and Broadcaster.

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